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Divorce and Car Insurance: Why They DON’T Go Hand-in-Hand

When a couple gets divorced, there is a lot to manage:  bank accounts, property, and children, just to name a few.  Managing it all can be tedious and frankly, overwhelming for some, so it is understandable that some of the not-so-obvious responsibilities could be overlooked.

Namely: Car Insurance.  The experienced PG County Car Insurance Lawyer has seen the worst of the worst:  a couple gets divorced, the ex-husband or ex-wife has a car accident, and they find out the harsh reality that their car insurance has become a casualty of their divorce.

How Divorce Affects Car Insurance

The car insurance coverages are directly affected by the divorce because the divorce lawyers are usually focusing on dividing the property and the finances associated with it.  They don’t always consider the vehicle insurances and the protections that are lost.  The change in marital status means one of the spouses, upon divorce (or legal separation) becomes an “excluded driver” on the car insurance policy.

Imagine this:  there is a car accident with the “excluded driver” behind the wheel, they don’t know their car insurance status has changed, and the now divorced children are in the car.  Add to that the very real possibility that the excluded driver is cited as being at fault for the accident.

The driver is uninsured, and now the injuries are not covered by car insurance, car insurance does not cover the damages to the vehicle, car insurance does not cover the other driver’s injuries (and that of the passengers) and his/her vehicle damages.  The costs associated with this accident would likely surpass the six-figure mark, and that’s a situation no divorcee wants to have added to their stress levels.

You can avoid something like this happening to you.  If you are planning to get divorced or separated, you need to call your insurance company and make the necessary changes to ensure you maintain adequate insurance coverage should you be in a car accident.

Alternatively, if you or a loved one has experienced a situation similar to the one above, you’ll need to take the proper steps immediately.

Maryland Insurance Claim Lawyer

If you have been divorced or separated and have been involved in a car accident in Maryland, reach out to a Maryland Insurance Claim Lawyer at The Lapidus Law Firm today.

Call The Lapidus Law Firm today for a free consultation with a Maryland Insurance Claim Lawyer at (301) 605-4296.  We are here for you!

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