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Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer Tell All: How Insurance Companies Settle Claims

As a personal injury lawyer in Maryland and in Washington, DC, attorney Larry Lapidus has seen just about every type of case you can imagine. He has a deep-rooted passion for helping his clients who have been hurt because of the negligence of someone else, and he also takes great pride in educating the public on how insurance companies work when it comes to compensating those victims for their injuries.

It isn’t always fair, Lapidus says, and today, he is revealing some of the hidden secrets behind how insurance companies settle claims.  Some of their secrets may surprise you and much to the surprise of many consumers, the insurance company isn’t focused on what’s best for the injured individual but rather what’s most beneficial for their insurance company’s bottom line (aka, their profits).

3 Ways Insurance Companies Make Their Profits

The insurance industry is arguably one of the most profitable industries in the United States. Insurance companies earn their profits on volume sales (when millions of consumers purchase and renew their policies), and investment income on their “premiums” also known as charges.

Secondly, they have an army of trained professionals to keep their claims payout to a minimum. Accountants, bankers, lawyers, medical professionals …. you name it, and they have professionals on their team that will review your case and provide an opinion (that, in most cases, benefits them more and you less) as to how much money they should pay out for your claim.

How Can the Insured Be Properly Compensated for Injuries?

Given the fact that the insurance companies have hundreds of people working to SAVE them money, every injured person who receives medical treatment needs a skilled and experienced attorney on their side. consumers the ability to get a lawyer to file a lawsuit on their behalf.  This simple decision gives the injured person huge negotiation leverage that non-represented injured persons don’t have.

Insurance companies are counting on the injured NOT to obtain adequate medical care and NOT retain the services of a personal injury lawyer in Maryland, because they know:  When a skilled and experienced Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer steps in to handle a case, they’ll likely have to pay a fair and reasonable settlement.  This, as opposed to a lowball settlement that they’ll typically offer to someone with no Maryland personal injury lawyer.

How Will a Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer Help YOU

When you’ve been injured in an accident and get a Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer from The Lapidus Law Firm, one of three things typically happen:

  • You will be able to obtain medical and thorough care even if you do not have health insurance.
  • Your insurance company will not offer a fair and reasonable settlement. In this case, your Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer will fight for your rights, and in most cases, get you a fair and reasonable settlement significantly larger than the insurance company’s original offer.

How to Get a Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been injured, call The Lapidus Law Firm today for a free consultation.  With four decades of experience serving the injured in Washington, DC, and in Maryland, and having rave reviews from former clients, personal injury lawyer Larry Lapidus will not allow the insurance company to take advantage of you.  You are not alone when you choose The Lapidus Law Firm, and you can rest easy in knowing your case is in good hands, while you focus on your health and healing.

Call The Lapidus Law Firm today for a free consultation in Maryland at (301) 605-4296 or in Washington, DC at (202) 785-5111.  WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!

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