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Personal Injury Protection – Why You Need It When Trouble Strikes

You have car insurance, so if you get in an accident, everything will be covered, right?  Your insurance company will make sure you’re taken care of, right?  Wrong.  A DC Personal Injury Lawyer or a Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer will tell you:  Your insurance company – despite the fact that you pay for their services – is in the business of paying out as little as possible when it comes to accidents and injuries.

There are some things you can do to make sure you’ll be covered in the event of an accident, and its spelled PIP – or rather – Personal Injury Protection.

What is Personal Injury Protection?

If you are injured in a car accident, PIP covers the cost of medical bills for you and your passengers, regardless of who is at fault.  This is why you may hear PIP coverage also referred to as “no-fault coverage.”

Why Do I Need Personal Injury Protection?

In states where PIP is NOT required (see more on that below), you will hear differing opinions about if PIP is necessary.  Your DC Personal Injury Lawyer or Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer will explain, that the typical argument is, “If you have health insurance, then you do not need PIP.”  A qualified personal injury attorney in DC or Maryland will beg to differ for several reasons:

  • Do you have a deductible with your insurance company? PIP means you won’t have to worry about a deductible…. Your medical bills will be automatically covered by your PIP.
  • Your health insurance may cover only a percentage of your bills. Without PIP, it’s up to you to cover what your health insurance doesn’t, which can be several thousand dollars.
  • PIP is VERY inexpensive. However, don’t take our word for it.  Ask your insurance company… you’ll be shocked to see how much coverage you get for so little cost!
  • PIP isn’t just for you; it covers anyone in your vehicle, so if they get hurt and do not have health insurance, your PIP will cover their medical bills.

When Can I get Personal Injury Protection Coverage?

In most cases, you won’t have to wait until it’s time to renew your current auto policy to add Personal Injury Protection in DC or Maryland. Just call your car insurance company directly and inquire about adding this new coverage.

Is PIP offered in Washington, DC?

Yes, it is offered in Washington, DC.  While auto insurance is a requirement in the District, PIP is not, so check with your insurance company to see if you have it.  If you do, inquire about increasing your coverage.   You can do this for just a few dollars every month!

Is PIP offered in Maryland?

Yes, it is offered in Maryland.  While auto insurance is a requirement in Maryland, PIP is not, so check with your insurance company to see if you have it.  Just like residents living in DC, if you do already have PIP, inquire about increasing your coverage.  You can do this for just a few dollars every month!

Will My Insurance Company Automatically Use My PIP if I am Hurt in an Accident?

Don’t count on it.  Your insurance company doesn’t WANT to make sure your bills are paid, so know that it will do the bare minimum.  The insurance company’s reps may even advise you to use your health insurance instead, so you won’t utilize your PIP!  That’s why it’s crucial to get a Personal Injury Lawyer in DC or a Personal Injury Lawyer in Maryland if you have been involved in a car accident.

Here at the Lapidus Law Firm, we’ll comb through every detail of your auto insurance policy to make sure you get as much help as possible from your insurance company.

Where to find a Personal Injury Attorney in DC or a Personal Injury Lawyer in Maryland

Finding the right Personal Injury Lawyer in DC or Maryland isn’t hard, because Larry Lapidus knows the laws well – and how insurance companies often try to avoid covering costs for their customers.  With 40 years of experience standing up to insurance companies, he will make sure you receive all the benefits you’ve been paying for in the event of an accident.  Call The Lapidus Law Firm today so we can help at (202) 785-5111.

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