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Will I Get a Settlement for My Accident?

When you are in an accident and are injured, you may be wondering if you will receive a settlement because of those injuries.  There is no simple yes or no answer to this question because every personal injury case has its own unique set of circumstances.  No two personal injury cases are alike, and that’s why you need to pick a DC Personal Injury Lawyer who has extensive experience studying the laws that surround your case.

Your DC Personal Injury Lawyer will first look at your case and determine if someone else’s negligence contributed to your accident.   If your attorney feels that you have a case that could yield a favorable outcome for you, the client, your case will then move forward.

Today, we’re looking into some of the critical factors that can determine the outcome of your case and if you will receive a settlement.

The Extent of Your Injuries

The list of possible injuries from an accident is in the hundreds.  From specific broken bones to muscle strains anywhere on the body and from Traumatic Brain Injuries to lacerations, bumps, bruises, and scars there are a number of possibilities.  Add to that the high probability of sustaining multiple injuries in an accident or if a prior pre-accident condition was made worse, there is a high probability you will receive compensation if negligence can be legally proven.

Once your injuries are assessed, your DC personal injury lawyer will document in great detail the extent of your injuries. For example, do you have broken bones, a concussion or do you have a sprained ankle?  No matter how big or small you THINK your injury may be, it is always important to contact your DC personal injury lawyer.  An experienced lawyer will explain to his or her clients that there are no such things as a minor injury, but it is important to note the details and the extent to which those injuries have occurred.

How Your Injuries Affect Your Life

Many injuries from accidents don’t just go away or heal on their own.   You may need extensive physical therapy and rehabilitation to recover to your fullest potential, and even then, you may not ever have the mobility that you had before your injury.

Were you an avid bowler or bicyclist before your accident?  Were you able to get up and down the stairs in your home with no pain?  Did you enjoy outings with friends and family before your injury, but now, can’t do those things you once loved?  Financially, are you now struggling because of medical bills piling up each week?

Your DC personal injury lawyer will include this critical information when it comes to completing a full investigation – and if necessary – will enter into litigation if you are not offered a fair and reasonable settlement.

Injury Treatment

As previously mentioned, your medical doctor may recommend physical therapy and rehabilitation for your injuries.  It is essential that you not only get to the doctor immediately following your accident, but you must also follow your doctor’s orders and do not miss any of your therapy sessions and/or subsequent appointments.

Insurance companies will scrutinize your behavior following your accident, and if you don’t take your injuries and healing seriously, they will likely use it against you and argue that you don’t deserve a settlement (or you deserve a lesser one) because even YOU didn’t take your recovery seriously.

DC Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been physically injured by any types of negligence including car and truck collision, falls in commercial property, dog bites by unleashed dogs, etc., call The Lapidus Law Firm today for a free consultation at (202) 785-5111. You shouldn’t have to deal with your claims alone, and we are here to help injured people obtain the compensation to help what needs be helped, fix what the law allows to be fixed, and to legally make the injured person whole again.



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