Pedestrian accidents can come in many forms, but perhaps the most common is
when a pedestrian is hit by a motor vehicle. With this being said, being hit by a
motor vehicle can leave you with severe injuries. It can even be deadly. If you
have suffered injury in a pedestrian accident or even if a loved one has, call a
Washington DC accident attorney.
When you decide to walk somewhere, it is critical that you follow all pedestrian
traffic lights, sidewalks and other areas permitted for walkers. Otherwise, you will
run a higher risk of being in an accident. However, if an accident does occur, your
Washington DC accident attorney will be there to help you get compensated for
your injuries. Whether your injuries are minor or more severe, you have the right
to compensation for your medical expenses.
If it was a loved one that suffered injuries, you may still contact an accident
attorney for them, especially if they are incapable of doing so themself. If they
had died as a result of the accident, you may also fight for funeral expenses.
No matter the injury suffered, big or small, contact a Washington DC accident
attorney to begin building your case.