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Maryland Truck Accident Lawyers

It’s not something anyone wants to think about, but truck accidents occur every day, and the consequences are often severe, whether it’s vehicle damage, personal injury, or even death. On top of the emotional and physical tolls truck accidents with injuries take, there are also many other issues that may arise: the inability to work, financial problems, and household stress, just to name a few.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go through this alone–the Maryland Truck Accident Lawyers at The Lapidus Law Firm are there for you.

Truck Accidents Occur More Often Than You Might Think

Thousands of people die each year in truck-related accidents–and that’s not even counting injuries from these types of crashes. These accidents tend to do more severe damage when you factor in the size of the truck, the distance required for a truck to come to a complete stop, and the exhaustion that many truck drivers are experiencing at the time of a crash.

If you frequently travel on highways or major roads, consider that nearly 85% of all truck accidents in 2017 occurred on these types of roads. In the unlikely event that you are involved in a truck-related accident, you want to make sure you’re properly represented.

How Do I Know If I Need a Lawyer?

At the time of the accident, you may not feel you are injured or that any injury you may have sustained is minor. Never assume! If you feel you’ve sustained any type of injury (no matter how seemingly minor) as the result of a truck accident, you should seek legal counsel, especially before speaking to an insurance company.

Auto insurance companies will try to offer you the least amount in settlement while trying to establish liability. The Maryland Truck Accident Lawyers at The Lapidus Law Firm know how to talk to and negotiate with insurance companies; we’re committed to your well-being and will seek a fair and reasonable settlement from the insurance company for your injuries.

If the insurance company low-balls your settlement offer, The Lapidus Law Firm offers a litigation option.  Our Senior Attorney is a  long time member of the invitation only  American Board of  Civil Trial Advocates and a former local Chapter President.   He has tried over 300 cases to verdict and has settled far more at amounts much multiple time higher than the initial insurance carrier offers,

While past achievements are not a guarantee of future success in any particular case, it does make sense to select a lawyer with this type of experience.

Maryland Truck Accident Lawyers

If you or someone you know is involved in a truck-related accident, the Maryland Truck Accident Lawyers at The Lapidus Law Firm are here to help.

While The Lapidus Law Firm can’t guarantee a settlement for every case we accept, we do accept only those  cases we believe will result in a favorable outcome for our clients.  And unlike other types of attorneys, we do not charge by the hour; fees are calculated as a percentage of the gross recovery in the case, and all out of pocket costs are deferred until the case is resolved.  

 We discuss all financial arrangements up front and in writing before you hire The Lapidus Law Firm for your case–that means there are no hidden fees or costs. Our goal is to earn your trust, and we have  built our excellent reputation over four decades based on honesty and transparency.

Call us today at (301) 852-7500 to set up a free consultation. Don’t let an opportunity to obtain  justice through  a fair and reasonable settlement get away from you. If you want experienced and effective lawyers, call us today.  We can help you! 

Written by Award-Winning Lawyer Lawrence S. Lapidus

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