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Recent Medical Malpractice Claims Making Headlines

Preventable Mistakes in Hospitals

That old saying, “To err is human” can apply just about anywhere in life, but not when it comes to medical procedures.  When someone is injured by a doctor or someone on medical staff, there is pain involved, and also the utter disbelief that something like this could have happened.

If you or a loved one is injured or passed away because of the negligence of a doctor or someone on the hospital medical staff, a DC Medical Malpractice Lawyer at The Lapidus Law Firm can help.

Recent Medical Malpractice Claims Making Headlines

$100 million award

According to 12 News out of West Palm Beach, Florida, “A Palm Beach County jury awarded a boy $100 million in a medical malpractice case after a failed circumcision he received as a newborn by Dr. Berto Lopez of West Palm Beach.”  The article goes on to explain that the doctor is connected to nearly 20 other serious injuries, some of which include death. 

Alleged Negligence While in Custody

Live5 News out of Charleston County, SC published a piece just last week about a former officer who is suing Charleston County and the sheriff’s office there as well. According to the article,
“Because of his past employment as a police officer, the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office moved Smalls to protective custody in the Al Canon Detention Center in June 2021.  Smalls, who claims to have suffered significant medical issues while at the facility, is suing Wellpath LLC, a major provider of healthcare in jails nationwide, along with other defendants including officers and medical staff.”

Nearly $26 Million Awarded to Couple

This one comes out of Hammond, Indiana, from Inside Indiana Business, where “A Valparaiso couple was awarded $25.8 million in damages by a Lake County jury after a medical center failed to transfer test results that contained information about the husband’s cancer diagnosis.” According to the article, it took 13 months for the news to be delivered, and by then, “the tumor had grown to Stage IV and Yaros went into renal failure. While Yaros survived, he now requires dialysis and lifetime treatment.”

Common Medical Malpractice Cases

You can only imagine the long list of possible scenarios that could lead to a medical malpractice lawsuit.   Some of the most common medical malpractice cases include:

Prescription Errors – While it may seem that a doctor or other medical professionals should know what kind of medication to prescribe and the correct dosage, there are those rare occasions when the wrong medication is prescribed, or the dosage is incorrect.  This can lead to grave consequences for the patient or serious injuries.

Birth Injuries – Childbirth is supposed to be a joyous occasion for families, but tragedy can strike when a doctor or other medical professional makes a mistake.  Common childbirth injuries that lead to medical malpractice cases can include failure to diagnose medical conditions for the mother or the child.

Surgical Errors – It may seem hard to believe, but there are times when a doctor operates on the wrong area of a patient, or leaves instruments used during surgery inside the patient’s body.  These occurrences are, indeed, rare, but when it does happen, a DC Medical Malpractice Lawyer should be contacted immediately.

Misdiagnosis – Getting the wrong diagnosis or a delayed diagnosis happens more often than you may think. It may not always be easy to diagnose a patient’s ailment, but when a serious disease or ailment goes undiagnosed for a long period, the patient misses treatments that could prolong their life or cure the ailment.

Anesthesia Errors – Mistakes in anesthesia, in many cases, lead to permanent injuries or death.  Many medical malpractice claims related to anesthesia problems include failure to diagnose a patient’s medical history prior to administering the anesthesia.

There are many other DC medical malpractice claim scenarios.  Some of the other common claims are related to chiropractic care, dental treatment, emergency room errors, and many more.   Your DC Personal Injury Lawyer will look at each detail of your case and let you know if you could receive a settlement for your injuries.

Should You Pursue a DC Medical Malpractice Claim?

When you have been injured because of the negligence of a medical professional, whether it be in a hospital, an urgent care clinic, in an emergency room or any other medical setting, don’t wait to contact your DC Medical Malpractice Lawyer at The Lapidus Law Firm.   With four decades of winning millions of dollars in settlements in medical malpractice claims, your DC Medical Malpractice Lawyer will fight tenaciously to make sure you get a fair and reasonable settlement for your injuries. 

Call us today to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation so we can get started on your DC Medical Malpractice case immediately at (202) 785-5111.  We are here for you!

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