Washington, D.C. – In the past decade, 15,000 motorists have been killed on the highways in the three states that surround the D.C. metropolitan area. This is a shocking statistic, but the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, a non-profit group, aims to prevent these unnecessary deaths and personal injuries. …
Read More »Study Shows Surgeons Make Frequent Mistakes
Washington D.C. – Most people get anxious before they have surgery, they know there are risks associated with anesthesia and complications can easily arise. However, they never expect a surgeon to leave a scalpel, surgical scissors or cotton balls in their bodies. But it happens at an alarming rate. A …
Read More »Large Truck and Cyclist Fatalities in D.C. Increase
Washington, D.C. – A new report released Monday by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration showed that fatal accidents involving cyclists and large trucks rose dramatically last year though fatal accidents in general were on the decline, The Associated Press Reported. Fatal accidents overall declined by 1.9 percent, resulting …
Read More »Fatal Fire in Washington DC May Have Been Caused by an Oxygen Tank
Last week, a man died in a fire in Washington D.C. After an investigation, it has been determined that an oxygen tank may have been the reason for the fatal accident. On Thursday October 18, 2012, a fire had begun at the house of sixty five year old George Michael …
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