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DC Fatal Car Accident Lawyers

Fatal car accidents can occur at any time, especially in urban areas with high-density traffic moving at high speeds.

As of September 11, 2020, twenty-seven people were killed in traffic accidents in the DC metropolitan area. If your loved one has been killed in a car accident, you are likely dealing with financial stress in addition to your enormous grief.

Insurance companies are less than compassionate in these situations and still make it their goal to pay as little as possible to maximize company profits. This is why DC fatal car accident lawyers at The Lapidus Law Firm are here.  Our job is to represent you, and your deceased loved one to help you obtain a fair and reasonable settlement.

Expenses After a Fatal Car Accident

Some things need to be considered, such as lost income and medical bills.  And that’s just the beginning.

To compound the circumstances, insurance companies will sometimes take advantage of your vulnerability and offer you a far lower settlement than what you could actually receive. You may be inclined to take it to settle the matter quickly and get it off your plate as soon as possible.   Too many people go this route, and it’s heartbreaking.  Getting a great lawyer will make sure you’re fully educated on timelines, litigation (if your claim goes in that direction), expenses, and so much more. 

Causes of Fatal Car Accidents

Many fatal car accidents are the result of driver negligence. Other drivers often make mistakes that lead to the death of someone else. Common driver mistakes include: 

  • Distracted driving (texting or eating)
  • Impaired driving (such as overly tired or under the influence of alcohol or drugs)
  • Aggressive driving
  • Failure to follow traffic laws (speeding, right of way, obeying stop lights, etc.)

Other factors that can sometimes contribute to a fatal car accident include faulty manufacturer equipment such as a mechanical issue with a vehicle. Poor road conditions or improperly working traffic signals are also small contributors. 

Regardless of the cause, our lawyers are here for you.  We can help if your loved ones untimely death occurred because of the negligence of someone else.

How a Fatal Car Accident Lawyer Can Help

If you are the surviving spouse, child, or another close relative of someone who has been killed in a car accident, it is crucial that you not rush the settlement process. The insurance company employees are not trained to have compassion for your situation.

They will, in many situations, use your overwhelmed state of sadness and grief to their advantage and offer a settlement far below what you could receive. An experienced fatal car accident lawyer will communicate with the insurance companies and other parties on your behalf to fight for a fair, reasonable settlement. 

DC Fatal Car Accident Lawyers at The Lapidus Law Firm

If you have lost a loved one to a car accident, you need an attorney on your side. The experienced DC fatal car accident lawyers at The Lapidus Law Firm will work day and night toward obtaining a fair settlement in your favor.

Our firm has over forty years of experience and a plethora of favorable reviews on Google. Contact us today at 202-785-5111 to schedule your free consultation. 

Written By Larry Lapidus

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