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Spine Injury Claims 101 | Why You Need an Experienced Lawyer

A spine injury is about the most catastrophic injury one can sustain. There are several layers and severity levels of spinal injuries, and the results can range from weakness in the extremities to complete paralysis. Much of this depends on where along the spine the damage has occurred. 

Here is some more in-depth information about how some spinal injuries are identified.

  • Cervical spinal cord injury C1-C8: Cervical-level injuries cause paralysis or weakness in both arms and legs, resulting in quadriplegia (also known as tetraplegia). This area of the spinal cord controls signals to the back of the head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and diaphragm. All regions of the body below the level of injury or top of the back may be affected. There may be a loss of physical sensation, respiratory issues, inability to regulate body temperature, bowel, bladder, and sexual dysfunction.
  • Thoracic spinal cord injury T1-T12: Thoracic injuries can cause paralysis or weakness of the legs (paraplegia) as well as the loss of physical sensation, and bowel, bladder, and sexual dysfunction. This area of the spinal cord controls signals to some of the back and part of the abdominal muscles.
  • Lumbar spinal cord injury L1-L5: These injuries result in paralysis or weakness of the legs (paraplegia). Loss of physical sensation, as well as bowel, bladder, and sexual dysfunction, are common. The spinal cord’s lumbar area controls the signal to the lower parts of the abdomen and the back, the buttocks, some parts of the external genital organs, and parts of the leg.
  • Sacral spinal cord injury: S1-S5: Sacral injuries primarily cause loss of bowel and bladder function and sexual dysfunction. These injuries can cause weakness or paralysis of the hips and legs. The spinal cord’s sacral area controls signal to the thighs and lower parts of the legs, the feet, and genital organs.
  • Incomplete/Complete: An incomplete injury means that the spinal cord’s ability to convey messages to or from the brain is not entirely lost. Some sensations and movements are possible below the level of injury. A complete injury is indicated by a total lack of sensory and motor function below the injury level.

What Are Common Causes of Spinal Injuries?

Unfortunately, spinal cord injuries can occur at almost any time. According to data from 2013, the leading cause of spinal cord injury was auto accidents. Other injuries occurred during physical labor, a fall, violent crime (such as a shooting or assault), and sports-related accidents.

As noted above, serious car accidents cause devastating spinal cord injuries more frequently than any other event. And many times, it’s due to the negligence of another driver. To prove that negligence, you need an aggressive lawyer who has plenty of experience with spinal injury cases–you’ll find just that at The Lapidus Law Firm.

What Will a Spinal Injury Lawyer Do for Me?

Proving negligence and obtaining a fair and reasonable settlement is the sole mission of The Lapidus Law Firm.

While no attorney can ethically guarantee you a settlement for your injury, you can rest assured knowing that your case is in the hands of lawyers with decades of experience in personal injury cases. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to get you justice and a fair, reasonable settlement.

Spine Injury FAQ | Why You Need an Experienced Lawyer

Spinal injuries cause enough suffering–presenting your case shouldn’t cause more. If you or someone you love has suffered a spinal cord injury as the result of someone else’s negligence, call the seasoned Spinal Injury attorneys at The Lapidus Law Firm at (202) 785-5111 or (301) 852-7500 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

Written by Larry Lapidus

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