DC Truck Accident Lawyer

You have undoubtedly experienced it at one time or another if you’re driving through the streets of Washington, DC.  You’re driving down a two-lane road, and there it is: a giant truck parked is right in the middle of the street.  It can be frustrating for drivers, but even worse, could be one of the many causes of a truck accident in DC.

No matter how it happens, if you’ve been involved in a truck accident, you need a DC truck accident lawyer to help.

The Aftermath

When you’ve been involved in a DC truck accident, those moments immediately after can be very stressful.  You’re asking yourself many questions such as:

  • What caused this accident?
  • Am I hurt?
  • Should I call an ambulance?
  • Who will pay my medical bills?
  • Will I be able to work as I recover?
  • Do I need a DC truck accident lawyer?

A DC truck accident lawyer will help get the answers to all these questions – and much more.  But you shouldn’t obtain the services of just any DC truck accident lawyer in the city.  During this stressful time in your life, you need a DC truck accident lawyer that will give you peace of mind in knowing your case is in the hands of a capable attorney with extensive litigation experience with cases just like yours because the at-fault driver’s insurance company will most likely try to avoid settling your claim.

Your DC truck accident lawyer should also have experience in investigating truck accidents, taking into account even the most seemingly minimal details of your case.

How Your DC Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help

After you have been involved in a truck accident in DC or in Maryland, you should contact a truck accident lawyer immediately.  For any phone calls that you receive from the at-fault driver’s insurance company, you will then refer them to your truck accident lawyer.

The services provided by your DC truck accident lawyer don’t stop with the insurance company communications.  It is important to note:  When an injured party obtains the services of a personal injury lawyer, the final settlement amount offered by the at-fault driver’s insurance company is significantly more in most cases than those cases that do not have a lawyer.

This sad fact is true because most people don’t have a full understanding of the fine print embedded in insurance policies and certainly are unfamiliar with the applicable federal laws and regulations which apply to interstate trucks.  The at-fault driver’s insurance company knows most people don’t understand the laws, so the adjusters will lowball a settlement offer in hopes of the injured accepting it without a second thought.

Your truck accident lawyer DOES know the fine print and applicable federal regulations and will work tirelessly to get you a fair and reasonable settlement for your case.

The Best DC Truck Accident Lawyer

No need to look further – because you’ve just found one of the top truck accident lawyers in the region.  Larry Lapidus is respectful, compassionate and cares deeply about the well being of his clients.  You aren’t just another “truck accident case” when you walk into his office, because DC truck accident lawyer Larry Lapidus taps into his four decades of experience in fighting for what’s right, with unparalleled tenacity, persistence, and dedication.

Call today for a free consultation at (202) 785-5111.  We are here for you!

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