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Traumatic Brain Injuries in Prince George’s County

Broken bones, cuts, and scrapes, bumps, and bruises…. Injuries from car accidents in PG County can be mild or severe, but there is one injury in particular that victims should handle with extra precaution.  Traumatic Brain Injuries – also known as TBI – should be taken very seriously.  This, because what may seem like a simple bump on the head can quickly turn into something more serious.

The Most Common Traumatic Brain Injuries

They can happen in a variety of ways.  Doctors will diagnose a TBI by putting one of several categories, including:

  • Concussions – While a bump to the head causes most concussions, they can also occur by way of a hit to the body that causes the head to move forcefully back and forth. They are generally not life-threatening, but can, in fact, cause chemical changes in the brain that create need for proper healing over time.
  • Diffuse Axonal Injury – Also referred to as DAI, this is perhaps the most severe type of TBI and typically leaves the victim unconscious for at least 6 hours or more.
  • Penetrating Injuries – These injuries require immediate medical attention and occur when an object penetrates the skull and damages the brain. Think along the lines of a knife, bullet, or possibly even broken pieces of the victim’s skull.
  • Hematoma – Commonly mistaken as bruises, hematomas occur when blood clots together along with tissue outside of the blood vessel.
  • Contusion – This a bruise that occurs on the tissue of the brain.
  • Coup/Contrecoup Lesions – These injuries occur when one side of the head is hit, and the brain hits the other side of the skull as a direct result of the initial blow.
  • Skull Fractures – This is a break in the cranial (skull) bone and typically has tenderness and swelling in the area of the fracture.

TBI Stats

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 30% of all injury-related deaths are from TBI’s.  Falls were the primary cause of all Traumatic Brain Injuries in 2013, coming in at 47% of all emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths.  When it comes to car accidents, motor vehicle crashes come in as the third overall cause (14%) of TBI-related emergency visits, hospitalizations, and deaths.  Additionally, in 2013, Traumatic Brain Injuries contributed to 50,000 deaths.

Getting a Prince George’s County TBI Lawyer

Any reputable PG County Personal Injury Lawyer should offer a free consultation to review your case.  If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a TBI/concussion, call The Lapidus Law Firm for your free consultation.  With four decades of experience working with Traumatic Brain Injury victims in both Maryland and Washington, DC, you can take comfort in knowing your case is being handled with care.

Call (202) 785-5111 in Washington, DC or (301) 605-4296 in Prince George’s County.  You focus on healing… we’ll focus on winning your case.

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