Two Men from Maryland and two men from Pennsylvania were killed on Interstate 79 on Saturday July, 21 2012. They were all involved in a head-on collision.
Twenty year old Tavon Jamal Frisby and nineteen year old Cameron Marcus Shields of Middle River, MD were in one of the vehicles. The other vehicle had Steven Ranjo and his father, Leo Ranjo in it. The vehicles got into an accident when Frisby’s vehicle went over the grassy median and slammed head-on into the Ranjo’s vehicle.
All four men involved in the accident died. The reason for the tragic auto accident is still unknown and is currently under investigation.
Unfortunately, all of the victims of this accident were killed. The families of the men will now mourn their deaths and be forced to put together with funeral arrangements for them. This will cost them money that they weren’t expecting to have to pay out.
If you or a loved one suffers injury or death in a head-on collision, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Call a Maryland and Washington DC accident attorney for legal guidance and representation. They will make sure that you are compensated for all of your losses.