Lanham, MD- Morning traffic was tied up Tuesday morning following two separate traffic accidents, one fatal. According to a Maryland State Patrol press release, Durandal hit the concrete barrier between the northbound and southbound lanes. CBS DC reported that the impact of the crash was so powerful that pieces …
Read More »Safety Advocacy Group Urges Law Changes
Washington, D.C. – In the past decade, 15,000 motorists have been killed on the highways in the three states that surround the D.C. metropolitan area. This is a shocking statistic, but the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, a non-profit group, aims to prevent these unnecessary deaths and personal injuries. …
Read More »Washington D.C. Resident Killed in Work Zone Accident
Washington D.C. – A Washington D.C. man and one of his coworkers were killed in a traffic accident in highway work zone Wednesday morning, according to Maryland State Police. The accident took place around 9 a.m. on Pulaski Highway in Bowie when a driver entered a work zone flanked by …
Read More »If I’m Injured Do I need a D.C. Accident Attorney?
Washington, D.C. – Most of us have been involved in at least one traffic accident at one point in our lives. Some traffic collisions are minor, allowing those involved to walk away relatively unscathed, but there are times when these accidents are serious and the victims incur serious injuries or …
Read More »Five Fatalities in the Washington D.C. Area
Washington D.C. – Christmas Eve quickly turned into heartbreaking tragedies for three families in the Washington D.C. area, after two separate traffic accidents took the lives of three people. The driver—a man in his 40s—was trapped in the vehicle and had to be extricated by emergency crews. He was in …
Read More »Study Shows Surgeons Make Frequent Mistakes
Washington D.C. – Most people get anxious before they have surgery, they know there are risks associated with anesthesia and complications can easily arise. However, they never expect a surgeon to leave a scalpel, surgical scissors or cotton balls in their bodies. But it happens at an alarming rate. A …
Read More »Large Truck and Cyclist Fatalities in D.C. Increase
Washington, D.C. – A new report released Monday by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration showed that fatal accidents involving cyclists and large trucks rose dramatically last year though fatal accidents in general were on the decline, The Associated Press Reported. Fatal accidents overall declined by 1.9 percent, resulting …
Read More »Woman Seriously Injured in Pedestrian Accident
Last week, a fifty one year old woman was struck by a pickup truck. She remains in critical condition. On November 28, 2012, a Susan Blanchard Harris was crossing the intersection of East Central Avenue and West Shore Road in Edgewater when she struck by an oncoming vehicle. The …
Read More »Hit and Run Accident Occurs in Maryland
On I-295, an accident occurred that left a pedestrian dead after they were struck by an unknown vehicle that took off after it hit the man. Seventy one year old Henry Smith was killed on December 1, 2012 just after 3:00am. Officials received a phone call about the pedestrian walking …
Read More »Act of Road Rage May Have Been the Cause of Fiery Crash That Killed Two
A fiery two vehicle crash occurred on Saturday, November 24, 2012 on I-95 that killed two people and injured several others. The accident is believed to have happened during a traffic dispute. Around 2:00am on Saturday, a 2005 Lexus and a Jeep had been in an accident that caused the …
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